Wednesday, April 22, 2015

How to Order a Bridal Bouquet

Lately I have wanted to write down the advise I give the most to my Brides during their consultations. Usually they come with paint chips from Home Depot to show me their wedding colors, and their wedding Board on Pinterest filled with great ideas. But they don't stop to think what will this look like in my pictures (the one thing they get to look at and keep forever).
  1. Bigger is not Always Better! Choose a size that that isn't too heavy ( you will be carrying it around all day). I always tell my Brides it is best to see your waist line on either side of the Bouquet.     
  2. Just because you have "wedding colors" does not mean those are the only colors your flowers can be. If you would like your flowers monochromatic (all one color) they will photograph better if you have some color variation. So if you would like an all red rose bouquet, DON'T use all the same variety of rose. Add in a little brighter roses and a little darker rose. Another common mistake is when Brides would like an all white bouquet. Of course they are beautiful and ethereal, but against a white Wedding Gown they will get lost. My suggestion is add some creams or soft greys, or if the Bride is not opposed to it green! I guarantee your wedding photographer will thank you.

    Note the soft creams and greys while keeping a "white pallet".
    Note the small variation in the shades of red. It helps recognize the texture among all the red flowers.


3. Know what season you are getting married. Wanting an all Hydrangea bouquet in August is not very practical. The second you walk outside into the 100 degree weather it will wilt, and forget lasting for the walk up the aisle and pictures after. Or wanting Peonies (probably the most popular wedding flower right now) in July. Us floral designers are pretty amazing but we are not miracle workers. There are seasons for flowers (some are year round and some are not), and yes the growing season for Peonies is getting longer, thanks to Alaska. Trust your Florist, come with ideas, if a particular flower is not available, let your florist proceed guaranteeing they can achieve the same "feel"as that bouquet you fell in love with.
4. Not Bouquet Related... BUT, always, always order 2 boutonnieres for your groom. With weather, time without water, and all the hugging he will be doing, there is no way the boutonniere will last all day and into the night and still look good for pictures. I always suggest to my Brides, just get 2! It is a very minimal cost that makes a huge difference.

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